J. C. O’Hair Online Library

Pastor J. C. O'Hair

Pastor J. C. O’Hair

Articles Compiled by Douglas Lee

Pastor O’Hair was, without a doubt, the one person who, more than any other, was used of God to establish among believers what Paul, by inspiration calls, “the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery.” He knew that he had the Scriptural solution to the current theological confusion and preached the Word with great power. His oral ministry (including radio) and his many books had a profound effect on thousands here and abroad. As a gospel preacher and soul winner he was without a peer just because he understood so clearly the truth of the unadulterated “gospel of the grace of God.” The Church, all over the world, owes him much.

These studies are taken from a CD-ROM compiled by Douglas Lee containing many Bible study articles by Pastor J.C. O’Hair and others. The articles are available in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) and Microsoft Word formats. Although the CD also contains each article as an e-book, due to space constraints, we have not included the e-book versions of these studies.

Note: Some of these files are very large and might take several minutes to download over a slow connection.

Audio Sermons

A Christless Christianity in a Condemned World
A Condensed History of the World
A Great Supper
A Prophet Like Unto Me
A Sermon By J. C. O’Hair
A Story of Three Lame Men
A Very Serious Mistake That Can Never Be Corrected
Accepted in the Beloved
Administration of Condemnation
Alienation and Reconciliation
Almost Saved As By Fire
Ambassadors of Reconciliation
Are You A “Hope So” Church Member or a “Know So” Bible Christian?
As Cold Water to a Thirsty Soul
Be On the Alert for the Unexpected
Be Ready, Steadfast, Not Weary In Well Doing
Being a Christian
Born From Above
Brethren Dwell Together in Unity
By Many Infallible Proofs
Christ – King of Israel and Head of the Church
Christ in Gethsemane
Christ, Calvary, Baptism
Christian Perfection
Christians in the Midst of a Groaning Creation
Concerning Stephen
Differences Between Evangelicals and Protestants
Divine Healing
Divine Power for the Human Race
Ephesians 4
Exceeding Great and Precious Promises
Faith That Produces Good Works
Farming and Fishing
Finishing the Course
Four Wonderful Bible Verses
Fundamentalism and Liberalism
Glorified Head of the Church
Glorified Son of Man
God Be Merciful to Me A Sinner
God Will Have All Men To Be Saved
God’s Ability and Responsibility in Our Salvation
God’s Eternal and Infallible Word
God’s Future Plan for Israel
God’s Investment in Christians
God’s Love for Christ – God’s Love for Israel – God’s Love for the Church – God’s Love for the World
God’s New Creation
God’s Peculiar People Zealous of Good Works
God’s Saint Factory
Good News and Good Works
Grace Hath Appeared To All Men
Grace, Mercy and Peace
Historical Treasure Trove
8 Verses to Share the Gospel
All in the Grave
Behavior of Believers
Christ Prophesied
For God So Loved the World – John 3:16
Last Message at GGF
Lost by Works, Saved by Grace
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
The Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man
Three Great Religious Reformations
To Make Known the Mystery
When God Shuts the Door
Hope or No Hope
How God Uses Weak and Foolish Things
How the Chief of Sinners Became the Pattern Saint
How to Abide Forever
I Saw Satan As Lightning Fall From Heaven
In the Sight of the Lord is Both Perfect and Imperfect
Inexcusable Ignorance of God’s Program for Today
Israel Blinded
It Doth Yet Appear
James 2
Jesus Christ As the Author and Finisher of Our Faith
Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Jesus Christ, The Author and the Finisher of Our Faith
Liberty and Life
Life Beyond the Grave
Man Dieth, and Where Is He?
Methuselah, Enoch, Noah and Moses
Moses and Christ
No Judgment To Them That Are In Christ
No Man Hath Ascended Into Heaven
O’Hair’s Last Message at Cedar Lake 1957
Occupy Till I Come
One Sure Way to Heaven
Our Forerunner
Our Heavenly Position
Our Love For God and God’s Love For Us
Pastor J. C. O'Hair's Testimony
Pastor J. C. O’Hair’s Testimony – Part 1
Pastor J. C. O’Hair’s Testimony – Part 2
Paul’s Epistles to Timothy
Paul’s Sign Ministry in Ephesus
Paul’s Trip From Ephesus
Peace With God
Peter and Paul at Jerusalem
Power for Christian Service
Prophet, Priest and Coming King
Psalm 32:7
Psalms of Deliverance
Reconciliation and Identification
Righteous Standing and State
Romans 11
Romans 13 and 14
Romans 6:23
Saint or Ain’t
Separation and Service
Seven Kingdom Parables
Shall We Continue In Sin That Grace May Abound?
Sometimes God Gets Angry
Songs of Deliverance
Songs of Deliverance
Songs of Deliverance
Spiritual Ignorance
Spiritual Wisdom and Knowledge
Stand Fast and Steadfast
Stephen’s Short Ministry
Stephen’s Short Ministry
The Agreement Between Peter and Paul
The Answer to the Greatest Question
The Book of James, Dispensationally
The Coming Prince of Peace
The Crown of Death and the Crown of Life
The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
The Divine Cure for Heart Trouble
The Door That God Opened
The First Coming and the Second Coming of Christ
The God of All Grace
The Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd and the Chief Shepherd
The Grace of God
The Grace of God That Bringeth Salvation
The Great Potter
The Greater Works of John 14:16
The Greatest Foreign Missionary of All Time
The Hope of Glory
The Hope of This World
The House of Israel and the House of God
The Keeping Power of God
The Kings of the Earth
The Last Days
The Living, Glorified Man at God’s Right Hand
The Lord Is Not Slack
The Manifold Wisdom and the Manifold Grace of God
The Names of God in the New Testament
The New Man
The Number One Church
The Purpose of Miracles in the Bible
The Saving of the Soul
The Social Gospel and the Saving Gospel
The Son of Man is Seeking
The Soul and Spirit
The Tears of Jeremiah, Christ and Paul
The Three Laws
The Triumphal Entry
The Truth of Ephesians and Colossians
The Two Great Suppers of God
The Wisdom of This World
The Word Became Flesh
The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Then is the Offence of the Cross Ceased
This Is Life Eternal
This Man
Transformed, Transferred and Transfigured
Two Men of the Bible
Two Promises
Unsearchable Secrets of Christ
Uttermost Salvation
Vessels of Honor
Waiting For Our Adoption
Was Paul the Chief of Sinners?
We Shall Not All Die
We Would See Jesus
What Are We Laying Up In Heaven?
What God Committed to His Servants
What Kind of Church?
What More Could God Have Done?
What is NOT and What IS the Full Gospel?
When God Turned From the Nation of Israel to the Gentiles
When Jesus Was Here Among Men
Where Are the Dead?
Who Hath Believed Our Report?
Who Shall Roll Away the Stone?
Will You Let God Save You?
Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?
Wonderful Titles of God
Work Out Your Own Salvation
Worldly Wisdom vs. the Wisdom of God

Bible Study Articles

“Grace” Preaching
A Challenge to Fundamentalists
A Christmas Message
A Lame Man at the King’s Table and a Lame Man at the Gate Beautiful
A Message on the Unsearchable Riches of Christ
A Study of the Book of Acts
A Study of the Epistle to the Ephesians
After We Leave This World
An Epistle to Mr. Albertus Pieters
Are Members of the I.F.C.A. Responsible for the Disgraceful Fanaticism of the Snake-Hugging Fundamentalists?
Are The Dead Conscious?
Are You a “Hope So” Church Member or a “Know So” Bible Christian?
Art Thou He That Troubleth Israel?
Bible Messages for Bereans & A Simple Principle in Bible Study
Bible Messages of Grace and Glory
“He Showed Unto Them His Hands and His Side” — John 20:20
Bible Messages of Grace and Glory (All)
Nothing to Pay
So Run That Ye May Obtain
Stand Fast and Steadfast
The Prince of Peace Is Coming
What Christ Was Made — What Believers Are Made in Christ
What Think Ye of Christ?
Who Committed the Unpardonable Sin?
Bible Messages: The Body of Christ
Acts… The Book Between
Another Interpretation of the Unpardonable Sin
Bible Messages: The Body of Christ (All)
Four Churches in the New Testament Scriptures
Let the Children First Be Filled
Nathanael and Bar-Jesus
Paul’s Orders to Timothy
Serpents and Dogs
The Exceeding Greatness of God’s Power To Us-Ward Who Believe
The Great Blunder of the Church
The Sad Paradox — Divided Unity
The Son of Man Standing in Heaven
When I Was a Child
Bible Study For Bereans
1935.08 - Bible Study For Bereans - August 1935
A Simple Principle in Bible Study
A Study in Gentile Salvation
Bible Messages For Bereans
Bible Study For Bereans — August 1935
Freely Give Us All Things
Fundamentalists Divided
God Remembers Not — God Forgets Not
Test the Things That Differ
The Christian and the World
The New Creation in Christ
The Program of the Book of Acts
The Sufferings and Glory of Christ
To Be Or Not To Be Baptized
1935.09 - Bible Study For Bereans - September 1935
An Eternity of Grace
Beware of False Prophets
Church Creeds
Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Golden Opportunities
Lost and Recovered Truth
Part 1: A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
The Bride of Christ — Who?
The Fear of Man — The Praise of Man
1935.10 - Bible Study For Bereans - October 1935
Bible Study For Bereans — October 1935
God’s Workmanship
Mussolini — Ethiopia — And Us
Part 2: A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
Part 2: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Saved By Grace and Falling From Grace
Tolerance Without Compromise
1935.11 - Bible Study For Bereans - November 1935
An Open Door — An Open Mouth — An Open Mind
Bible Study For Bereans — November 1935
Christ On Earth and Christ In the Heavenlies
Different Gospels
Divided Unity
Mystery in Paul’s Epistles and the Revelation
Part 3: A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
Part 3: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Some Simple Thoughts Concerning Body Truth
The Purpose of the Magazine
What Shall We Seek?
1935.12 - Bible Study For Bereans - December 1935
A Christmas Poem
A Happy and Joyous Christmas
Bible Study For Bereans — December 1935
Bought With A Price
His Birth and Ours
Part 4: A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
Part 4: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Some Questions and Scriptural Facts For Meditation
The Little Word “But” in Ephesians
The Lord’s Supper
Written For Our Admonition
1936.01 - Bible Study For Bereans - January 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — January 1936
Following the Lord in Baptism
Happy Are Ye If Ye Do Them
Is The One Body of Romans the One Body of Ephesians?
Part 5: A General Outline of the Bible
Part 5: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Paul’s Own Story
We Wish All Our Readers a Very Happy New Year
What Shall I Do?
1936.02 - Bible Study For Bereans - February 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — February 1936
Circumcision and Baptism
Condemned Already
Dividing the Word and Dividing the Brethren
Facts and Questions For Your Meditation and Answer
God’s Workmanship — God’s Workman
Part 2: The Lord’s Supper
Part 6: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Peace On Earth — When?
Three Gospels
1936.03 - Bible Study For Bereans - March 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — March 1936
Concerning the Deaths of Two Simeons
Far Off – But Brought Nigh
Glorying in the Lord
God’s Standard of Perfection
Is It Unscriptural to Give Public Invitation to Sinners to Accept Christ?
Part 7: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
That Day? What Day? — A New Premillennialism
That Ye May Know That Ye Have Eternal Life
1936.04 - Bible Study For Bereans - April 1936
“Even As” “So Likewise”
Bible Study For Bereans — April 1936
Bullingerism or Ultradispensationalism
Declared Righteous Without a Cause, By Grace
Fulfilled — Finished — Perfected
Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Made Partakers of Christ
Our Easter Message
Part 7: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Pauline Mission-Methods
The Lord’s Supper and the New Covenant
What God Foreknew and What He Foretold
1936.05 - Bible Study For Bereans - May 1936
All Things of the Great Commission
An Elementary Lesson For Bereans
Bible Study For Bereans — May 1936
He That Doeth the Will of God Abideth Forever
Letter From the Editor
Orthodox — Orthopodeo — Orthotomeo
Part 1: A Scriptural Examination of Anglo-Israelism
The Lord Jesus Christ in the Midst
The Salvation, Dedication and Baptism of Babes
1936.06 - Bible Study For Bereans - June 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — June 1936
Dispensational “Nows”
How Christ Was Made Manifest to Israel
Light From Philippians On The Theory of Two Bodies
Nothing New — All Things New
Pure Religion — Pure Christianity
Right Now and By and By
Some Bible Houses
The Church and the Last Days
We Are One
1936.07 - Bible Study For Bereans - July 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — July 1936
By The Grace of God
Have Ye Received the Holy Spirit Since Ye Believed?
Into God’s Marvelous Light
Let Him Glory in the Lord
Matthew and Ephesians
The Doctrines of Seventh Day Adventism — Spiritual or Pernicious?
Water Heretics
When, How, Where, and Why Did Paul Receive What?
1936.08 - Bible Study For Bereans - August and September 1936
A Dispensational Study of Bible Characters
Bible Study For Bereans — August and September 1936
Concerning the Bible
Search the Scriptures — They Are They Which Testify of Me — John 5:39
Some Bible Facts and Dates
Thought and Action
1936.10 - Bible Study For Bereans - October 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — October 1936
1936.11 - Bible Study For Bereans - November 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — November 1936
1936.12 - Bible Study For Bereans - December 1936
Bible Study For Bereans — December 1936
1937.01 - Bible Study For Bereans - January 1937
Bible Study For Bereans — January 1937
1937.02 - Bible Study For Bereans - February and March 1937
Bible Study For Bereans — February and March 1937
1937.04 - Bible Study For Bereans - April 1937
Bible Study For Bereans — April 1937
1937.05 - Bible Study For Bereans - May 1937
Bible Study For Bereans — May 1937
1937.06 - Bible Study For Bereans - June 1937
Bible Study For Bereans — June 1937
1937.07 - Bible Study For Bereans - July 1937
Bible Study For Bereans — July 1937
A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
Part 1: A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
Part 2: A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
Part 3: A General Outline of the Bible in Ten Lessons
Part 5: A General Outline of the Bible
A Scriptural Examination of Anglo-Israelism
Part 1: A Scriptural Examination of Anglo-Israelism
Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Part 3: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Part 4: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Part 5: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Part 6: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Part 7: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
Part 7: Gleanings From the Book of Acts
The Lord's Supper
Part 2: The Lord’s Supper
Bible Truth — What I Believe Scripturally
Bible Truth: What We Believe and Why We Believe It
Bullingerism, Pentecostalism and the Plymouth Brethren
Christ and Paul
Concerning Dispensational Bible Study — Just Why Not?
Daniel’s Secret, Paul’s Mystery, John’s Revelation
Did Peter and Paul Preach Different Gospels?
Dispensational Bible Study
Divine Healing — Water Baptism — The Lord’s Supper
Divine Sonship
Divine Truth and Human Theories Concerning Water Baptism
Extreme Dispensationalism Called Bullingerism
Fall 1955 Seminar Examination
Finished — Perfect — Complete
Four Religious Movements That Are Moving
Four Wonderful Bible Verses
From Melita to Miletum
From the Head of Gold to the Son of Perdition — The Future of Civilization
God the Builder
God’s Grace Manifesto
God’s Grace Program
God’s Investment in Christians
God’s Reign of Grace for the Human Race
God’s Salvation, God’s Church, God’s Heaven, God’s Bible
Good News For the Human Race
Grace Poems
He Came Unto His Own, His Own Received Him Not, As Many As Received Him
Holy Spirit Baptism
How To Study the Bible
How to Understand and Enjoy the Bible
Important Facts to Understand Acts
Introduction to J. C. O’Hair Online Library
Is Sickness From God or Satan?
Is Water Baptism A Watery Grave Witness?
Is Water Baptism a Witness to the World?
Israel’s Blindness for a Season and for a Reason
Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Judge David Otis Fuller Concerning “O’Hair-ism”
Let’s De-Judaize the Church of Christ
Living the Christian Life
Mark Them Which Cause Divisions
Messages of Grace and Eternal Life
One Hundred Important and Significant Facts For Bible Study
One Hundred and Seventy Bible Lessons or Sermon Outlines
Paradise — Purgatory — Perdition
Paul Takes Over
Pentecost — The Millennium and the Body of Christ
Pentecostalism, Bullingerism and the Worldwide Grace Testimony
Refusing God’s Unspeakable Gift
Regeneration and Restoration
Sailing With Paul
Salvation and Sanctification
Should A Christian Go To War?
Six Important Bible Lessons to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth
Some Comments on Recent Magazine Articles
Some Interesting and Most Important Bible Questions
Some Very Important Facts For the Study of the Book of Acts and Its Relation to the Other Books of the Bible
Study of Galatians
Sure of Heaven
The ‘Paulites’ and the Thessalonian Baptists
The Accuser of the Brethren
The All-Sufficient Much More Over-Abounding Grace of the God of All Grace
The Ballards’ I Am Movement
The Beginning and the End
The Bible Church — The Baptist Church — The Brethren Church
The Christ of Christmas
The Christian — Eternal Life and the Ten Commandments
The Christian Life
The Church
The Church of Christ and Ten Confused Fundamentalists
The Devil and the Mystery
The Devil and the Mystery
The Dispensational Razzle-Dazzle
The Dispensational Stir
The Dispensationalism of Bullinger, Scofield and Rice
The Epistle of James
The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse
The Five Horsemen of Revelation
The Fundamentalists’ Hierarchy and Kindergarten
The Gospel of John Compared With Other Scriptures
The Great Commission
The Great Divide
The Hidden Things of the Bible
The Jews and the Roosevelt Administration
The Kingdom of Heaven and the Body of Christ
The Knowledge and Joy of Salvation
The Little Word “Now”
The Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul
The Lost Precious Gem
The Man Nobody Knows But Believers
The Most Important Facts Ever Heard
The Mystifying Mystery
The Nation Israel… Three Elections
The One Nation and the Many Nations
The Petrified Saint and the Two Saint Pauls
The Poor Jew and the Rich Christian
The Preaching of Jesus Christ According to the Revelation of the Mystery
The Recovery of Lost Bible Truth
The Riches of the Lord of Glory
The Salvation, Baptism and Dedication of Little Children
The Scriptural Position of the Lord’s Supper
The Second Coming of Christ — The Signs of the Times
The Second Things of the Bible
The Third Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Times of the Gentiles
The Truth Shall Make You Free
The Twenty Eighth Chapter of Acts
The Two Spotless Christs
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
Part 10: Fulfilled All That Was Written of Jesus
Part 11: The Signs of Jesus of Nazareth
Part 12: Abram — Abraham
Part 13: The True Bible Church and How to Join It
Part 14: Beloved For the Father’s Sake
Part 15: The End of this Present Divine Economy
Part 16: The Restitution of All Things
Part 17: The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven
Part 18: Jesus Christ the Son of Abraham
Part 19: Back to Jesus — On to Perfection
Part 1: The Dispensational Answer to Undispensational Religious Practices
Part 20: Christ Came Unto His Own
Part 21: The Children of the Kingdom and the Gentiles
Part 22: Christ’s Miracles — The Gospel of John
Part 23: Different Gospels
Part 24: Peace on Earth — At Peace With God
Part 25: The Son of Man is Lord Also of the Sabbath
Part 26: Consolation of Israel
Part 27: Luke and Acts
Part 28: Who Are the Other Sheep?
Part 29: God Almighty — The I Am
Part 2: The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
Part 30: The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand
Part 31: “When There Is No Law” — “The Law Was Added”
Part 32: It Is the Last Time
Part 33: God’s Economy During This Age
Part 34: Faithful Dr. Luke
Part 35: The Kingdom of Heaven and the Grace of God
Part 36: How Long Was All Day Long?
Part 37: The Christian — The Sermon on the Mount — And the Body of Christ
Part 38: Raised With Christ
Part 39: Caesar — The Gentiles — And the Jews
Part 3: How to Enjoy Salvation and the Scriptures
Part 40: Adam — Noah — Abraham — Paul
Part 41: The Blind Jew
Part 42: The Eunuch — Cornelius — Sergius Paulus
Part 43: What About the Signs of Mark 16?
Part 44: God is Not the Author of Confusion
Part 45: Pentecost — The Kingdom — And the Body of Christ
Part 46: Apostolic Succession
Part 47: The Five Horsemen of Revelation
Part 48: One Body — One Baptism — Divided Unity and Unsaved Church Members
Part 49: Reconciliation — New Creation — Identification
Part 4: God and Christ In Salvation
Part 50: Sanctifying Truth
Part 51: Did the Church Begin with Pentecost of Acts Two?
Part 52: Divine Healing — Water Baptism — The Lord’s Supper
Part 53: The Church in the Wilderness — The Prophesied Church — The Church of the Mystery
Part 54: Household Baptism
Part 55: Paul the Suffering Prisoner
Part 56: The Bride of Christ — Who?
Part 57: What is the Mystery of God’s Will? — God’s Eternal Purpose in Christ Jesus?
Part 58: Vessels of Honour in the House of God
Part 59: A Partaker of the Afflictions of the Gospel
Part 5: By Adam — By Moses — By Christ
Part 60: The Second Coming of Christ — The Signs of the Times
Part 61: The Scriptural Answer to Those Who Teach That the Body of Christ Began After the Close of the Acts Period
Part 62: The Twelve and Saul Who Became Paul
Part 63: Are the Dead Conscious? — Between Death and Resurrection
Part 64: Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit — Who Committed the Unpardonable Sin?
Part 65: The Kingdom of God in the Gospel of Luke
Part 66: The Epistle to the Ephesians
Part 67: Truth in Ephesians — Christ in the Heavenlies
Part 68: According to God’s Good Pleasure
Part 69: Reconciliation and the Mystery
Part 6: Jesus Christ the Same
Part 70: Three Roman Officials of the First Century
Part 7: Adam – Abel – Seth – Enoch – Noah
Part 8: Behold Israel After the Flesh
Part 9: Who Is This Son of Man?
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ — Dedication & Foreword
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ (Full Book)
The Unsparing God of All Grace
The World of Day After Tomorrow
Three Bible Lessons
Three Blind Jews
Through the Bible in 52 Lessons
Bible Lessons — Book 1 (Full Book)
Bible Lessons — Book 2 (Full Book)
Bible Lessons — Book 5 (Full Book)
Bible Lessons — Book 6 (Full Book)
Part 10: Joseph and His Brethren
Part 11: Israel In Egypt
Part 12: The Ten Commandments
Part 13: From Egypt to Canaan
Part 14: A Peculiar People Above All People On Earth
Part 1: “Holy Men of God Spake As They Were Moved by the Holy Ghost” — 2 Peter 1:21
Part 25: Jesus Christ in Matthew
Part 26: The Sermon on the Mount — Golden Rule — “Our Father” Prayer
Part 27: Mutual Rejection
Part 28: Matthew Chapters 18 to 20
Part 29: Christ’s Coming — End of the World
Part 2: “And God Said, Let There Be Light; And There Was Light” — Genesis 1:3
Part 30: The Trial — Crucifixion and Resurrection
Part 31: The Word Became Flesh
Part 32: “Never Man Spake Like This Man” — John 7:46
Part 33: A Division Because of Jesus
Part 34: From Gethsemane to Calvary
Part 35: The First Epistle of John
Part 3: God Rested — The Serpent Beguiled — Man Sinned
Part 4: The Trail of the Serpent
Part 5: The Curse — The Cure
Part 6: As It Was in the Days of Noah
Part 7: From Adam to Moses
Part 8: “And Abraham Was Called the Friend of God”
Part 9: There Shall Come a Star Out of Jacob — Numbers 24:17 to 19
Twenty Questions and Bible Answers
Twice Dead Men
Two Men Who Received Four Baptisms
Under the Law and Under the Water
Unscriptural Cathedrals
Unsearchable Riches
Bible Questions Continued
Can A Christian Lose Salvation?
Peace On Earth
Saint Peter and His Keys
Should A Christian Keep the Sabbath?
Should A Christian Tithe?
Should Christians Seek Holiness in the Second Blessing?
The Divorce Question
Two Orders in the Apostolic Church
Unsearchable Riches
Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?
Upon Believing
Was Paul the Chief of Sinners?
Was the Apostle Paul a Presbyterian, a Campbellite, a Baptist or a Pentecostalist?
Water Baptism A Witness to the World — Does the Bible Teach Such a Doctrine?
We Shall Not All Die
What About Political and Spiritual Signs?
What Happened at Pentecost?
What Is the Day of the Lord?
What It Means To Be A Christian
What the Roman Catholic Bible Teaches Concerning the Roman Catholic Church
When Christians Die
When Is a Baptist Not a Baptist? — When Is a Non-Baptist a Baptist?
When Is a Fine Piece of Exegesis a Vagary?
Who Committed the Unpardonable Sin?
Who Will Win the War?
Why Did God Create the Devil?
Why Did Not the Twelve Apostles Do What the Lord Jesus Told Them To Do?
Will the Church Go Through the Tribulation?
Wrongly Deriding Christian Brethren
You Do Need Him


Dos Minutos con la Biblia
Cuando digo adios
Lo necesitas
Predicación de la “gracia”

More Minutes With the Bible

After We Leave This World
Are The Dead Conscious?
Are You a “Hope So” Church Member or a “Know So” Bible Christian?
Freely Give Us All Things
Nothing to Pay
Sailing With Paul
So Run That Ye May Obtain
Stand Fast and Steadfast
Test the Things That Differ
The All-Sufficient Much More Over-Abounding Grace of the God of All Grace
The Beginning and the End
The Bible Church — The Baptist Church — The Brethren Church
The Christian and the World
The Devil and the Mystery
The Great Commission
The New Creation in Christ
The Prince of Peace Is Coming
The Sufferings and Glory of Christ
What Happened at Pentecost?
What Think Ye of Christ?
Who Committed the Unpardonable Sin?
Why Did God Create the Devil?

Two Minutes With the Bible

“Grace” Preaching
When I Say Goodbye
You Do Need Him